Cumbernauld teenager flouted bail conditions and lockdown

Daft teenager Connor Forrest breached his bail curfew AND Covid-19 lockdown rule.

The Cumbernauld youth was visiting a pal when police carrying out a routine check found he wasn’t at his own address.

The offence cost him two nights in custody before an appearance by videolink at Hamilton Sheriff Court.

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Forrest, 18, admitted being away from his bail address on May 12.

Chloe O’Hara, prosecuting, said the curfew took effect at 7pm but he wasn’t at home when the police checked at 7.30 and 8.30.

They got a call from his mum at 9pm to stay he’d finally returned.

Forrest’s lawyer told the court: “He was at a friend’s and simply lost track of time.”

No mention was made of the fact that he shouldn’t have been visiting a pal during the lockdown.

Sentence was deferred for a year for good behaviour.