The birth of Sofia Coco Brown.

PARENTS: Ashley and Jamie Brown. Jamie is 35 and a financial associate who originally comes from Kilsyth. His 34 year old wife is a lawyer. They live in Edinburgh. Sofia is their first child.

PREGNANCY: Thankfully for Ashley this was very straightforward with no real hitches involved.

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BIRTH: Ashley had to play a waiting game because Sofia was three days late. Light contractions started at 9pm on January 19. Stronger ones kicked in the following day and baby made her debut! Labour was not a conventional process as the couple had contacted alternative health practitioners to ease the way. Sofia’s was a waterbirth which was eased by hypnobirthing methods

BABY: Doing well, feeding and sleeping well.

NAME: Pages of suggestions were made but Sofia was the only option mum and dad could agree on. Although they had another name in mind,they thought that this little cutie really looked like a Sofia.

GRANDPARENTS: Jamie and Elisabeth Brown are from Kilsyth’s Balmalloch Road. Ashley’s mum and dad and Colin and Heather Campbell hail from Kirkcaldy.

THANKS: Jamie and Ashley want to thank Patricia Bell and all the staff at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. The couple also want to thank both sets of grandparents and all visiting friends and family who have been so supportive.

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