The stage is set at the south rotunda

A SOUTHSIDE landmark is the site for a new pop-up theatre project from the National Theatre of Scotland next summer.

As the finale to an eight-month industrial heritage and 2014 Cultural Programme project, NTS will be setting up shop at the south rotunda on the Clydeside.

The derelict building will be the stage for a programme of performances, including a puppet show based on the bestselling book The Tin Forest — giving its name to NTS’s Tin Forest International Youth Theatre Festival.

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The project will also include creating an ensemble of 90 young theatre makers from 71 countries around the Commonwealth, who will perform in the city’s streets.

Graham McLaren, associate director, said: “I’ve imagined making a show in Glasgow’s south rotunda since I was a boy.

“I can think of no place better for us to remember where Glasgow has been, and to dream of where we are going.”